Monday, March 30, 2009

Scrabble by Candlelight

Along with millions of other people around the globe, we celebrated Earth Hour and turned off the TV (!), the computers (!!), and all the lights for one hour. The kids were super excited by this and were very eager to participate. 

What do you do while the lights are out? Well, you play Scrabble, of course. Joe and Caitlynn vs. Me (Marcy). Since it was Caitlynn's first game of Scrabble, we didn't keep score, but I'm sure I won. I'm sure of it. 

It was a good chance to explain to Caitlynn about conserving energy, including electricity. I don't think she's picked up on the fact that we don't turn on any lights throughout the day because the house has enough natural light. She's just used to opening the blinds in the morning to let the light in and for the cat to peer out the window.

As I write this post, March is going out like a lion with a blizzard. Joe's school even canceled for the day because roads are closed. He's bummed. 

Yeah right.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring time in Montana

I guess spring time here in Montana means really beautiful weather one day and a massive snowstorm the next. The roads are so bad here, that they actually closed school.


And we've been told that the seasons here are: snow, mud, and fire. Snow is obvious. Mud is the thaw and fire happens in August when it's hot and dry. 

Can't wait. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Earth Hour

Unfortunately this falls of deaf ears here in our little community. 

Joe and I will be celebrating (is it celebrating?) Earth Hour on March 28, 2009 at 8:30 PM. We will be turning off all our lights, TV, and computer. 

To learn more, go to Earth Hour's website.

More websites concerning conservation: