Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Almost there!

I'm nearly done packing but I'm sure over the course of the next couple of days, I'll find much more to pack and I still need a few more boxes. 

Miles didn't want to pack up his toys but I proceeded anyway while he griped. 

But I want to play with my car!
I need that book!
No, Mama! Don't pack Spiderman!

It will be worse tomorrow when we have to give back our internet modem and cable box back to Comcast. No internet after 3:00 tomorrow!! I don't know if we'll survive! I think we can still get basic cable without the box. I hope. I don't want to miss The Office or 30 Rock. photos of the move will be posted next week as well as photos of our new home. 

1 comment:

  1. 3pm there is about 6pm here, will be thinking of you as the delerium tremens begin....

    Wow, no net, and cold turkey!

